Sunday, June 13, 2010

Ummmmmmm...Do I still know how?

to blog? Sorry for the disappearing act. Summer is to nice to be indoors blogging. We started exercising again. We have gone on miles of nature hikes. The pool is open. The drive in is open. We got a Wii Fit for the rainy many more excuses do you want?

My sister in law posted he weekly menu and it kicked me in the booty. So Here is mine for this week:

Breakfast is always serve yourself (cereal, eggs, frozen waffles, yogurts etc)
Lunch is always serve yourself (lunchmeats, leftovers)

Sunday: Homemade Pizza (ground turkey, turkey bacon, tomato and cheese)
Monday: BLT's
Tuesday: Fish Taco's
Wednesday: Grilled Turkey burgers
Thursday: Baked Tilapia and baked potatoes
Friday: Breakfast for Dinner
Saturday: Crockpot BBQ Turkey/sloppy joes.

So number one hubby and I have been back on the exercise wagon. We are walking anywhere from 3 to 6miles a day. We also now have a Wii Fit---so much fun even though it told me I am obese. I love the hula hoop and the step aerobics. I really like the yoga and the strength training also. Number One Son is awesome at the running ones. Hubby likes the game ones. As I am writing this he is chasing moles on a Segway!

I have been hanging out at SparkPeople. I have lost 12 pounds since the beginning of the year but recently I cranked it up and have been averaging about 2 pounds a week.

Number One Hubby has agreed to do the Couch to 5K program with me. God love him :) He is so supportive. I did it in the past and lost weight like crazy. I was in my 20's then. Hopefully it doesn't do me in :) We decided that our training days would be T, Th and Sat (my most consistent days off. I think I will make a tab here to keep a running journal so you all can watch my progress! It's supposed to take 9 weeks but I am counting on it taking 12 (it did the last time). Off to make dinner and a tab. Hope you all are having a great summer.

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